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Christianity / Church / Church History / Church History By Century

11th Century

Updated Oct 06, 2023
11th Century

These are some of the key events in Christian history during the 11th century. It was a period marked by theological disputes, the Great Schism, and the beginning of the Crusades, which profoundly impacted the Christian world.

11 Century Christian History

1000: First Millenium Ends

  • The year 1000 was significant in Christian eschatology, as some Christians believed it would mark the Second Coming of Christ or the end of the world. This belief was based on the idea of a millennial reign of Christ.

1054: Great Schism:

  • The Great Schism of 1054 marked the formal split between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. This schism was largely over theological and cultural differences and the authority of the Pope.

1071: Battle of Manzikert:

  • The Byzantine Empire suffered a major defeat at the hands of the Seljuk Turks in the Battle of Manzikert. This defeat significantly affected the Byzantine Empire and the Christian world in the East.

1095: Council of Piacenza: 

  • Pope Urban II held the Council of Piacenza, calling for a crusade to retake the Holy Land from Muslim control. This marked the beginning of the First Crusade.

1096-1099: First Crusade: 

  • The First Crusade occurred, with various Christian armies marching to the Holy Land to capture Jerusalem. In 1099, they succeeded in capturing Jerusalem and establishing the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.

1099: Founding of the Knights Templar: 

  • The Knights Templar, a medieval Christian military order, was founded to protect Christian pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land during the Crusades.

• The expansion of Islam continues to occupy Christian thought and activities.

• 1009--Moslems sack Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

• 1054 The East-West Schism. Brewing for centuries, rupture finally comes to a head with the fissure that has lasted to this day.

• 1071--Seljuks conquer Armenia, ending the Byzantine Empire in Asia Minor.

• 1095--Pope Urban II proclaims the First Crusade to reclaim Jerusalem from the Moslems.

• 1099--Crusaders take Jerusalem.

• A century and a half of weak popes ends by the middle of the century, and papal authority increases. Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085), "Hildebrand," moves to reform the church with emphasis on priestly celibacy and complete freedom of the Church from the State.

• Renewal of church through new monastic orders

• 1098--The Reform-minded Cistercian order founded at Citeaux

• William of Normandy conquers England, appointing Lanfranc Archbishop of Canterbury in 1070. Lanfranc reorganizes and reforms the English church.

• Anselm succeeds Lanfranc as Archbishop of Canterbury in 1093. Wrote Why Did God Become a Man? explaining the reasons for Christ's death.

• Musical developments: In 1015 Pomposa Monastery near Ravenna introduces sight singing. By the middle of the century, polyphonic singing replaces Gregorian Chant, the harp arrives in Europe, and the first German Christmas carol is written.


About Church History By Century

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