5 Myths about Halloween That Are Not Biblical

Vivian Bricker

Halloween has received a bad reputation over the course of time by many Christians. This is due to Halloween being portrayed by many outlets as a scary and horror-filled holiday. Halloween is more enjoyable when it is treated as a fun, whimsical, and autumn-themed holiday.

Despite Halloween being labeled as an “evil” holiday, there is nothing wrong with celebrating this holiday. Most people, especially those with kids, treat Halloween as a holiday to dress up in a cute costume, go trick-or-treating, and spend time with family.

Sadly, many people transitioned this holiday into a scary holiday that is full of screams, gore, and blood. Halloween does not have to be like this, and in fact, most people don’t celebrate Halloween in this way.

Whether you are debating celebrating Halloween this year or just are interested in the bad reputation tied with Halloween, it is important to understand the myths surrounding Halloween.

Here are five myths about Halloween that are not biblical.

1. It Has to Be a Scary Holiday

One myth about Halloween that is not biblical is that it has to be scary. The Bible does not say anything directly about Halloween, yet from reading the Bible, we can come to the conclusion that it does not have to be a scary holiday.

Instead of having a scary holiday, do something you want and celebrate it in the way you want. Maybe you can have a Winnie-the-Pooh-themed Halloween or an autumn-themed Halloween.

Even if you just want to put out some pumpkins and orange and purple lights, that is still a great way to celebrate Halloween!

As mentioned, the tries to portray Halloween as a scary holiday. Many people want to dress up in scary costumes and scare people, but for many people, that is not very fun. It can scare a lot of people, even adults.

My grandma used to give out candy every Halloween, but after a teenage boy dressed up as Jason from Friday the 13th, she was so scared she never passed out candy again.

It is important to treat others with respect, and that might mean not dressing up in something scary or trying to scare others.

2. It Is Satanic

A second myth about Halloween that is not biblical is that it is satanic. There are many people who believe Halloween is rooted in Satanism; however, if you are celebrating Halloween in the sense of passing out candy, going trick-or-treating, and decorating with pumpkins, you are not doing anything wrong.

Once again, the Bible does not say anything about Halloween, nor does it say anything about October 31 being a day for Satan. Instead, Halloween was established later, and for most people, there are no satanic roots connected with this holiday.

Wiccans and other occultists might celebrate a darker holiday, but most people do not participate in the occult on Halloween. Most people pass out candy, watch Halloween movies, or do crafts with their kids. There is nothing satanic about this.

Halloween was not birthed out of Satanism. It has developed over time and become connected with an autumn holiday or a celebration of autumn. Little kids can celebrate Halloween, too, because most of the family-friendly Halloween activities are centered on kids.

3. It Is Wrong to Celebrate Halloween

A third myth about Halloween that is not biblical is that it is wrong to celebrate Halloween. As mentioned in the previous point, there is nothing wrong with celebrating Halloween.

There is nothing to feel guilty about either, because what you are celebrating is not some sort of pagan holiday.

Many people treat other holidays the same way, including Christmas. Since it has pagan roots, many people want to disregard the holiday altogether. This could be seen as extreme because these holidays are no longer rooted in paganism, nor are they associated with occult practices.

If you want to celebrate Halloween, do it. If you do not want to celebrate Halloween, you do not have to. It is entirely up to you, and you have the freedom as a Christian to make that choice. It also needs to be noted that you should not condemn someone if they believe differently than you.

As an example, if your neighbor decorates for Halloween and passes out candy, but you decide not to, do not be rude to your neighbor about it. In the same way, if you decide to celebrate Halloween and your neighbor does not, do not say they are legalistic or anything else negative.

Everyone has the freedom to choose if they want to celebrate Halloween or not. There is no biblical evidence against it, and there is no biblical evidence for it.

It is completely up to you as a Christian to make the choice for yourself. If you are ever in doubt, remember you can always bring the concern before the Lord. Through prayer and Bible study, He will be able to give you guidance.

4. You Can Communicate with Your Dead Loved Ones on Halloween

A fourth myth about Halloween that is not biblical is that you can communicate with dead loved ones on Halloween. This is a popular belief in many areas of the world, especially Europe. Of course, this is a false belief; however, many people believe it.

This particular myth is of more concern because many people are actually trying to talk with their dead loved ones on Halloween through mediums.

The Bible is clear that we should not consult mediums (Leviticus 19:31). When you try to communicate with your dead loved ones, you will not be communicating with them. You will be communicating with a demon.

As scary as this sounds, it is true. We cannot communicate with the dead, and God forbids it. After a person passes away, they do not haunt people or places. Instead, they go to one of two places — heaven or hell.

Their final destination is based on whether they placed faith in Jesus or not. Nonetheless, you cannot communicate with your dead loved ones on Halloween or on any day of the year.

5. Evil Prowls Around on Halloween

A fifth myth about Halloween that is not biblical is that evil prowls around on Halloween. This is a common belief held by many various cultures. Evil does prowl around on Halloween because evil prowls around every day.

As human beings with a sinful nature, we are evil, and we walk around every day. Similarly, demons do not only stay on the earth during Halloween. 

Rather, demons and Satan can roam as they please. They are not bound away from the earth on all days except Halloween.

Evil is always prowling around. Halloween has been associated with a day when monsters, demons, and other scary things walk the earth, but this view is not biblical. Nowhere in the Bible are we told that evil only prowls around on Halloween.

This is because evil is always prowling around on the earth. Satan and his demons are prowling around all the time, yearning to cause problems (1 Peter 5:8). Rather than believing that evil is limited to being on the earth only on Halloween, be aware that it is always present.

For further reading:

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Why Do We Celebrate Fear at Halloween?

What Is the History of Halloween?

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Panuwat Dangsungnoens

Vivian Bricker loves Jesus, studying the Word of God, and helping others in their walk with Christ. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master's degree in Christian Ministry with a deep academic emphasis in theology. Her favorite things to do are spending time with her family and friends, reading, and spending time outside. When she is not writing, she is embarking on other adventures.Vivian Bricker loves Jesus, studying the Word of God, and helping others in their walk with Christ. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master's degree in Christian Ministry with a deep academic emphasis in theology. Her favorite things to do are spending time with her family and friends, reading, and spending time outside. When she is not writing, she is embarking on other adventures.

LISTEN: Is Halloween Evil?

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Salem Web Network and Salem Media Group.

WATCH: 5 Things for Christians to Keep in Mind This Fall

Created by Skylar Cochran, Thumbnail courtesy of Canva.com, Stock footage & Music courtesy of soundstripe.com, Voiceover powered by Speechify 

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