5 Ways to Get Kids into God’s Word

Julia Jeffress Sadler

Amidst all the chaos of motherhood, do you ever manage to find a little quiet time away from endlessly scrolling on Instagram or indulging in your favorite Netflix show to prioritize reading the Bible?

Even then, do you still find your mind wondering about the laundry that needs to be folded or what meal you have to cook next?

And if we are honest when you finally refocus your thoughts to spend some time in God's Word, do you feel overwhelmed and uncertain about where even to start, putting your Bible back on a bookshelf to collect dust?

I’ve been there, too; I think every Christian has, no matter how long you have been a believer. You see, I am not a theologian.

I sometimes say I have an honorary degree from “Pastor's Daughter Seminary” after years of having my bedtime story with my dad telling me the points of his upcoming sermon or a detailed explanation of the differences between various world religions.

But you do not have to be a theologian to understand the Bible. Just look at what Jesus says in Matthew 18:3, "Truly I say to you, unless you change and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” Faith is so simple that the Bible says even a child can understand it.

Still, I often wonder: if it's sometimes difficult for me to grasp the supernatural truths hidden in God's Word, how would my own children be able to understand? Yet, as a mom of triplets, I’ve learned not to underestimate my kid's abilities.

Despite all odds, my three babies arrived on this earth screaming, crying, and surviving 64 days in the NICU (Praise God)! Despite the strength they display, I am still their mom, and I want to protect them from anything they may not seem old enough or ready for.

However, I've realized that if we let our insecurities guide us and underestimate our children’s understanding, we hinder their relationship with God.

As parents, we are responsible for telling our children that everything in the Bible is accurate and true. In fact, nothing is more beautiful than watching your kids experience the childlike wonder described in the Bible as they encounter their Creator with a newfound understanding of each page of Scripture.

That’s why I was thrilled when Pray.com approached me to host the "Kids’s Bible in a Year” podcast. Every weekday, Monday through Friday, the podcast teaches your child a biblical story chronologically, from creation to Revelation.

Each episode is a faith-filled audio experience with enthusiastic voice actors and music, and it really captivates an audience of all ages, even parents! The "Kid's Bible in a Year” podcast is a resource our family has taken advantage of, and I hope it will be a blessing to you too!

There are many other ways to get your kids into God's Word, no matter what their age is. Here are five practical applications from my family to yours.

1. Be an Example

It's such a privilege to get to live life in front of our kids. Have you ever stopped to think about that? Let your children see you read the Bible and spend time in prayer. Our kids dress up as firefighters, teachers, doctors, businessmen, and women because they desire to be like us.

Show them how to be an obedient child of God. When they observe your devotion to our Heavenly Father, they will become curious and interested in reading the Bible themselves.

2. Make it a Daily Habit

Life can be hectic, so encourage spiritual discipline in your home. My father teaching me Bible lessons is a special memory for me and helped me later in my spiritual walk. This is why I am excited that the "Kid's Bible in a Year” podcast will be available each weekday.

Working a reading plan like this into your family's daily schedule is crucial to building a firm foundation of faith. Whether you spend time as a family in the morning, after you pick them up from school, or at bedtime, find a time each day to read, listen to, and talk about God's Word.

3. Embrace Your Child's Wonder

The term "childlike wonder” exists for a reason. Your child is full of wonder and imagination, so dont make them grow up too fast! If youre reading the Bible together, let them ask questions and help them find answers.

If you are listening to the "Kids’Bible in a Year” podcast, embrace the fact that reading the Bible can be fun! Allow your child to transport themselves to biblical times, dance to the music, and engage with the voice acting that takes them on a wonderful adventure to those Bible stories.

4. Let Them Own It

Whether you have one child or triplets, like me, each of our children is unique. Embrace their individuality, their learning styles, and their spiritual gifts. Help your child or children develop their prayers and dreams to share with God.

Don't let your child's faith be fueled by your own or the church community and not by God himself. Otherwise, they are susceptible to burnout.

5. Claim God's Word as Truth

My whole life changed when I quit seeing the Bible as a book of suggestions and instead started seeing it as the only way life would work. While parenthood doesn’t come with a roadmap, God's Word guides us in every aspect of life!

Introduce and encourage your child to a faith-filled life early on and set them up for a fulfilling spiritual life to know and love the Lord as early as possible.

God has blessed me with an incredible platform to reach people for truth through my radio and television show, Unapologetic. I am so grateful that my kids get to watch me share and talk about Gods love for us every day, and I know you can do this too!

Sharing the Bible with these young generations is invaluable, and I hope the Lord will use two special resources: My brand new “You Can Pray Big Things” Children’s book and Kids’ Bible in a Year” podcast to encourage you and your family.

I'm praying that through you, it will cause a ripple effect of vast Kingdom growth. Who knows, you might even learn something too!

For further reading:

6 Ways to Help Children with Big Feelings

9 Ways to Protect Your Kids from Things That Secular Culture Sneaks In

Can Children Truly Understand the Bible?

How to Share the Gospel with Children

How Are Children Gifts from God?

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Mo-Mo-Productions

Julia Jeffress SadlerJulia Jeffress Sadler is a best-selling author, TV host, triplet mom, speaker, and unabashed evangelist for Christ. After suffering three miscarriages in one year, God blessed Julia and her husband, Ryan, with miracle triplets—showing Julia that He can in fact do immeasurably more than anything she could have hoped or imagined. After sharing their miracle story on reality TV, Julia continued to inspire thousands with the Gospel through her ministry, Unapologetic. In the years since, Unapologetic has turned into a top-charting podcast and TV show where Julia interviews movie stars, pastors, and authors about why we should all stop apologizing for being on fire for Jesus. Julia is also the author of Pray Big Things and the more recent You Can Pray Big Things, which became a no. 1 new release for kids! Her background as a licensed professional counselor gave Julia a heart for teenagers, especially those struggling with eating disorders and mental health. She still uses those skills, along with her husband, to serve as the Nex Gen Director for the 13,000-member First Baptist Dallas. Julia and Ryan currently live in Dallas along with their triplets, who are growing up too fast!

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