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5 Ways to Get to Know Your Neighbors This Halloween

Contributing Writer
Published Oct 11, 2023
5 Ways to Get to Know Your Neighbors This Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner, and it is a great holiday to get to know your neighbors. Rather, if you live in an apartment, a condo, or a house, it can be hard at times to get to know your neighbors.

As a person who has lived in the same place my whole life, I haven't faced the challenge of having to get to know my neighbors in different settings; however, many individuals are very familiar with the feeling of not knowing their neighbors.

In the modern 21st century, it can feel as though talking with people can feel unsafe at times, yet sometimes, we have to step outside of our comfort zones in order to fully live.

Naturally, I am not the best at talking with people, and constant negative thoughts tell me that I'm not good enough, people are bored with me, or nobody cares about what I say. Maybe you have also felt this way or are currently feeling this way.

These feelings can get in the way of trying to get to know people, which is why it is important to try to think positively about yourself.

Even if a person has made you not feel good enough, made you feel you are boring, or made you feel as though nobody cares about what you say, none of these things are true. You are enough as you are, you are very interesting, and people do care about what you have to say.

During this Halloween season, try to challenge yourself to get to know some of your neighbors. It might be scary, but it could also be a way to make some great friends. Friends are often found in plain sight, such as your neighbors.

Neighbors also often turn into best friends because we see them frequently, and they can relate to us in ways that others cannot.

Instead of running or hiding the next time you see a neighbor, try to talk with them and get to know them. Here are five ways to get to know your neighbors this Halloween.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/SolStock

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Kids trick-o-treating

1. Let Your Kids Go Trick-or-Treating

One way to get to know your neighbors this Halloween is to let your kids go trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. When I was growing up, my mom used to take my sisters and me trick-or-treating throughout our neighborhood while my dad stayed at home and watched Turner Classic Movies.

My mom made many friends by just letting us go trick-or-treating because she would talk to all the adults, and once they saw each other again, they were already on friendly terms.

It might feel as though trick-or-treating wouldn't help you get to know your neighbors, but it can be a great chance to open up the conversation.

As your kids are picking out their Halloween candy, introduce yourself to your neighbor. Share your name and, if you feel comfortable, where you live in the neighborhood. This would lead to your neighbor also sharing their name.

A great friendship can blossom this way because if you already live in the same neighborhood, it can help you both have a friend nearby. Often, our friends from school or work live too far away, yet a neighbor who is a friend could be the perfect person you need to talk to after a long day.

Try to challenge yourself and talk to the other parent who opens the door when you take your kids trick-or-treating this year. Just because you talk with them and introduce yourself doesn't mean you have to be their best friend if you don't want to be.

You can simply just be kind and friendly. This alone could help your neighbors, especially if they are feeling alone or worn out. Your kind greeting and introduction could make their entire Halloween.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Rawpixel

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friends making halloween decorations

2. Host a Halloween Party

A second way to get to know your neighbors this Halloween is to host a Halloween party. My sister and I did this one year ago because she was trying to come up with an exciting idea to do for Halloween.

I helped her set up different stations and different activities the neighborhood kids could do. Adult neighbors were invited, too; however, from our own experience, only the kids showed up.

Don't let this discourage you, though, because you can make up your own Halloween party and invite who you would like to invite, or you could have an open invitation.

If you decide to invite only select people, know it might hurt the neighbors who aren't invited. Instead, try to do an open invitation and allow anybody to come who wants to. This would be a great opportunity to get to know more neighbors.

Halloween parties are normally float-in and float-out, which makes it less stressful on you as the host as well as your guests. At your Halloween party, make sure not to have anything too scary, as it could scare any kids who decide to come.

Keep it kid-friendly and avoid any horror themes. Even if Halloween parties are not your thing, you could always have a fall-themed party. This could be equally as fun and be another opportunity to get to know your neighbors.

Parties will take time and effort; however, if you really want to know your neighbors, you will be willing to put in the time and energy. Your hard work will pay off when you are able to know your neighbors on a deeper level than you did before.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/mediaphotos

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Halloween treats

3. Cook a Special Fall Themed Dish for Your Neighbor

A third way to get to know your neighbors this Halloween is to cook a special fall-themed dish for them and deliver it to them. My mother was huge on taking gifts to new neighbors and it always helped to break the ice with them.

Maybe you make a great pumpkin pie or cute Halloween cupcakes. Make some of these treats and take them over to your neighbors. You can introduce yourself and also share with them a sweet treat. This will make them feel special and appreciated.

Maybe cooking isn't your thing, or you don't particularly know any fall-themed dishes. That's all right too! You could buy a pack of Halloween-themed cookies or another Halloween-themed treat and take it over to them.

Back in the day, my mom used to have my sisters and me deliver these types of gifts; however, times have changed, and it is best if you go with your children rather than sending them on their own. In all situations, it is better to be safe even if you live in an overall safe neighborhood.

When you go with your kids or without, always be cautious. I'm not endorsing paranoia, but it is good to be aware of your surroundings. Go during the morning hours or afternoon hours. By delivering the sweet treat at the door, you have an easy way out if the person seems a bit odd.

You can avoid all of this doubt if you choose a neighbor who looks friendly or one who has children. If you are a mom, maybe making friends with another mom in the neighborhood could be just what you need this Halloween.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/jenifoto

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Kids trick or treating, Can Christians celebrate Halloween?

4. Offer to Take Their Kids Trick-or-Treating

A fourth way to get to know your neighbors this Halloween is to offer to take their kids trick-or-treating. Similar to the point above, if you have seen a neighbor who is a mom and has kids, maybe you could offer to take her kids trick-or-treating.

She could be a single mom trying to juggle multiple jobs at once. Your kind offer could help her in many ways and give her kids some fun for Halloween. It could also be a great way for your kids to make friends with other kids in the neighborhood.

Even if the mom doesn't accept your offer, you can still introduce yourself. It can hurt when someone doesn't take you up on a kind gesture but know that is okay. It doesn't mean they hate you or there is no chance of making friends with them in the future.

Rather, it could be that she is not trusting of people and may need to get to know you better before trusting her kids with you. You might feel the same as a mom and it can be easier to relate to her on this level.

However, there is a chance the mom will take you up on this offer and you might become quick friends. It could lead to meeting up for coffee or talking while your kids play. There can be a lot of great friends around you in your neighborhood if you look for them.

This Halloween could be the perfect time to make new friends and at least, get to know them. It is always polite to introduce yourself and offering to take a neighbor's kid trick or treating will help you get to know your neighbors even better this Halloween.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Wholly Owned IS United Kingdom

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person holding halloween trick or treat pumpkin bucket on front porch

5. Be Simple and Say Hi

A fifth way to get to know your neighbors this Halloween is to just say hi. This might sound basic because it is, but it is a sure way to get to know your neighbors this Halloween. You don't have to come up with an elaborate way to introduce yourself to your neighbors.

Just take the traditional approach and say hi to them. This could be while you are taking your daily walk on the days leading up to Halloween or it could be when you are getting off work and you see them out. You don't have to feel intimidated by your neighbors because they might be feeling the same way about you.

If you live in an overall safe neighborhood, there should not be any reason to be afraid of your neighbors. The majority of people with families tend to be all right, and singles are great people to talk with too. No matter who your neighbor is, there is always a chance to be polite and say hello.

Rather if you live in a house, an apartment, or a condo, you are bound to cross paths with your neighbors at some point. Be friendly and introduce yourself. If you already know them, also say hello and be friendly.

If you live in an area that is not relatively safe, then it might be best to keep to yourself and look into finding a new home. You want to live somewhere you feel safe and secure.

It is not worth your own well-being to be constantly afraid someone will hurt you or take advantage of you. Try to find somewhere to live that is safe and then you will be able to get to know your neighbors without fear.

Halloween is a great time to get to know your people, even if it is often overlooked. There are many different ways you can get to know your neighbors this Halloween.

For further reading:

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

5 Myths about Halloween That Are Not Biblical

Should Christians Share the Gospel During Halloween?

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Carol Yepes

Vivian BrickerVivian Bricker loves Jesus, studying the Word of God, and helping others in their walk with Christ. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master's degree in Christian Ministry with a deep academic emphasis in theology. Her favorite things to do are spending time with her family and friends, reading, and spending time outside. When she is not writing, she is embarking on other adventures.

LISTEN: Is Halloween Evil?

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Salem Web Network and Salem Media Group.

WATCH: 5 Things for Christians to Keep in Mind This Fall

Created by Skylar Cochran, Thumbnail courtesy of, Stock footage & Music courtesy of, Voiceover powered by Speechify 

Originally published Wednesday, 11 October 2023.