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Choir of Children Perform ‘All Because of Him’ New Christmas Hymn

Published Nov 20, 2023

A group of youngsters gave an inspired and emotional performance of a Christmas song about the real meaning and reason for the entire season.

The Christmas season is a wonderful time of year, a statement that is likely to get near 100 percent agreement. It’s a time filled with friends, family, gatherings, gift exchanges, and entirely too much food. What is there not to love about all of that? But with so much going on, and with the number of obligations and requirements increasing dramatically during Christmas, it’s easy to get caught up and forget the meaning of all the celebrations and festivities. 

In a clip posted on YouTube, a choir of immensely gifted children sing “All Because of Him.” It’s a beautifully written new Christmas song that reminds listeners about that night in a stable in Bethlehem when a baby boy arrived, forever changing the course of history and giving hope to a lost world. 

Without the birth of Christ, all the gifts, parties, and meals surrounding the Christmas season would be pointless. But thankfully, God sent His one and only Son into the world for our sake. It was a move of love and mercy. As the song correctly states, “No other babe born on earth would change everything for us.”

Because of the baby boy’s birth and His eventual excruciating death on that cross a mere 33 years later, all now have a chance at everlasting life with Him.

“There is strength for the battle
And love that never dims
Hope for a better world
All because of Him”

Gatherings with family and friends, exchanging gifts, singing festive, Christmas-themed songs and sharing a meal or two together are great and terrific ways to spend the holiday season. But we must never forget the real meaning and reason for the season because it’s “all because of Him.”

"And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn" (Luke 2:7).

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©Youtube/Shawna Edwards

