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How Should Christians Respond to Claims of Alien Life?

Christians need to apply biblical wisdom when addressing claims of extraterrestrial life in the universe. There are anti-scriptural presumptions underlying the search for alien life, which denies God as Creator.

Contributing Writer
Published Jan 11, 2022
How Should Christians Respond to Claims of Alien Life?

Interest in finding alien life has dramatically increased in recent years. Many people are fascinated with the idea of intelligent life existing in the universe, especially with claims of UFO sightings and scientific searches for extraterrestrial life.

While life outside of earth has not been discovered or confirmed, Christians do need to address the question of alien life and how this affects a person’s understanding of creation.

Because believers have the living Word of God to answer any of life’s questions, they can consult the Bible about the question of alien life. This article will survey key theological aspects about claims of alien life, such as issues with creation and salvation.

However, understanding the basic assumptions and desires to find life outside of earth will first be examined. Christians should be skeptical of claims of alien life and consider the possibility of spiritual deception.

The Basis for Extraterrestrial Life Is Not Biblical

The belief in extraterrestrial life is connected to the idea that earth and life on earth are not special or unique in the universe. These ideas have come about because of the teachings of secular Darwinian evolution, which assert that life evolved without any specific cause or purpose.

In the line of evolutionary thinking, life on other planets is highly probable since humans on earth are not special and do not hold a privileged place in the universe.

Thus, individuals who follow secular Darwinian evolution are more likely to believe in extraterrestrial life, even so, there is no scientific evidence for such life.

The Bible speaks against the idea that life on earth is not special, and that the universe came about by random chance. First, Scripture presents the truth that God is the Creator of the heavens and earth (Genesis 1:1).

The universe and life on earth are not the product of blind, purposeless chance. Everything created was and is for God’s glory (Psalm 19:1-4; Isaiah 43:7). He is always upholding His creation (Colossian 1:17). Instead of being a purposeless and empty universe, God designed all creation according to His wisdom and power.

Furthermore, human life on earth is special. While the entire universe, including the stars, planets, and galaxies, declare His glory, humans were personally crafted by God in His image (Genesis 1:27).

Therefore, this sets humans apart from the rest of creation, including animals, plants, and stars. Scripture does not mention that God created other intelligent, extraterrestrial beings.

However, His Word does describe the Lord making the universe, stars, sun, land, animals, and humans (Genesis 1:1, 9-10, 14-19, 20-25, 27; Isaiah 40:26). No other living beings are said to have been created.

There Is a Philosophical Component to the Search for Aliens

Because of mainstream media and science fiction works, the general public has also increasingly found the idea of alien life fascinating. Movies such as ET the Extra-Terrestrial and Star Wars have awakened the imaginations of many people, who long for alien life to exist.

For many people, the idea that they are not alone in a massive universe is a comforting thought. Hence, the longing to find extraterrestrial life extends beyond an interest in science fiction and has a philosophical component. People want to know that there is something greater than themselves in the universe.

This desire to find alien life is actually a longing for God, even though most people will not recognize or acknowledge this. The Lord created humans with eternity in their hearts, which is why they long for their Creator and Savior (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

Secular scientists and others are religiously pouring millions of dollars into finding intelligent life in the universe while the very Person they are looking for has already made Himself known in creation (Romans 1:20), the Bible (2 Timothy 3:15-16), and Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:3).

Jesus Came to Save Humans, Not Extraterrestrial Beings

Christians should also question the existence of aliens since if they did exist, there would be massive theological consequences for these beings. If extraterrestrial beings existed, as some scientists assert, then they would be doomed to an eternity in hell.

Jesus did not come to save aliens but rather became human to save the entire world (John 1:14; Philippians 2:7). Multiple verses emphasize that salvation is offered to all “the world,” which refers to people living on earth (John 1:29; John 3:16; 1 John 2:2). Intelligent life on another planet would be excluded.

Also, Jesus commanded His disciples to evangelize and make disciples of people of all nations in the world (Matthew 28:19; Acts 1:18). As He told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone” (Mark 16:15, NLT).

This command only relates to spreading the gospel among human beings on earth, not intelligent beings on an unknown planet. Just as believers do not explain the death, burial, and resurrection to animals or plants, they would not preach the gospel to aliens, for whom Jesus did not die.

Some people may assert the argument that Christ could have gone to another planet to save extraterrestrial beings. However, this would be impossible given the fact that Jesus added humanity to His divinity at His incarnation (John 1:14).

As Hebrews 2:17 explains, “For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people.”

Thus, if moral and intelligent extraterrestrials existed, they could never be saved because Jesus did not die for them. Instead, Christ’s death and resurrection only save humans. Alien life would be doomed since Jesus did not and cannot take on the form of extraterrestrial life.

Believers should consider this serious theological component and its consequences when people make claims about alien life in the universe.

Aliens as a Form of Demonic Deception

Finally, in addition to issues with a biblical view of creation and salvation, believers also need to recognize that demonic deception could lie behind claims of extraterrestrial sightings.

While people are readily familiar with UFO hoaxes and misidentifications, many individuals do not understand the spiritual component behind claims of encounters with aliens.

Satan is known to be a deceiver and a liar (John 8:44; Revelation 12:9). The devil and his demons can masquerade as “angels of light,” and can easily deceive humans (2 Corinthians 11:14).

Just as the first humans, Adam and Eve, were tricked by Satan in disguise as a serpent (Genesis 3:1), people today can also be fooled into thinking that extraterrestrial life exists as part of demonic deception.

Nothing would satisfy the devil more than people chasing after elusive extraterrestrial beings instead of turning to Jesus and being saved.

Satan actively tries to keep people from saving faith, since he “has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2 Corinthians 4:4). An alien deception by the devil and his demons would be compatible with his evil work.

Scripture warns against events of the supernatural associated with demonic activity, such as witchcraft, contact with the dead, and ghosts (Deuteronomy 18:10-12). Pagan nations during biblical times were held in spiritual bondage to idols, which God referred to as demons (Leviticus 17:7).

Even today, in the false religions of the world, demonic activity abounds. Therefore, demons masquerading in the form of extraterrestrial beings to deceive humans perfectly fits with what is known about Satan and his demons.

The Need for Biblical Wisdom

Just as Christians consider biblical principles when examining moral issues, so also do they need to apply biblical wisdom when addressing claims of extraterrestrial life in the universe. There are anti-scriptural presumptions underlying the search for alien life, which denies God as Creator.

Also, the quest for life outside of earth has a philosophical and spiritual component since humans are longing for the Lord but are trying to fulfill this longing through searching for alien life.

Believers should be skeptical of claims of alien life since there are strong theological consequences if such beings existed. Intelligent, moral life, non-human life could never be saved since Jesus’ atoning sacrifice applies only to human beings.

Furthermore, biblical wisdom is necessary when discussing extraterrestrials since the chance of demonic deception is very real and plausible, considering what Scripture says about Satan and his demons.

Instead of being tossed around by the claims and desires of the world, followers of Christ should look confidently to their Lord and His Word for truth.

For further reading:

What Happened on Each Day of Creation?

What Is the Creation Story in the Bible?

Why Does it Have to Be Creation or Evolution?

Is the Bible Considered a Historical Text?

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/mscornelius

Sophia Bricker is a freelance writer who enjoys researching and writing articles on biblical and theological topics. In addition to contributing articles about biblical questions as a contract writer, she has also written for Unlocked devotional. She holds a BA in Ministry, a MA in Ministry, and is currently pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing to develop her writing craft. As someone who is passionate about the Bible and faith in Jesus, her mission is to help others learn about Christ and glorify Him in her writing. When she isn’t busy studying or writing, Sophia enjoys spending time with family, reading, drawing, and gardening. 

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Christianity / Life / Christian Life / How Should Christians Respond to Claims of Alien Life?