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How Can We Prepare to Share the Gospel?

The Bible exhorts all of us to share the gospel. The question is, how do we do that? Where do we start?

Freelance writer
Updated Aug 15, 2022
How Can We Prepare to Share the Gospel?

How Can We Prepare to Share the Gospel?

Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ is fun—yet at the same time, it may be challenging for some people. Some Christians may have formal training (through a Bible college, seminary, and so on) that prepares them to share God’s Word with others. Other Christians are without any human preparation. Some Christians feel fearful of sharing Jesus with other people. Others actually may feel ashamed speaking about the Lord. Whether we have any training or feel comfortable speaking about the Lord, we can all learn how to prepare ourselves to share the Gospel.

What Is the Gospel?

The Gospel, also known as the Good News, is the story about the life of Jesus, His death, and resurrection. It broadly speaks of the love of God the Father for humanity and the redemption work of Christ to deliver us from sin, thus, bringing us back to our heavenly Father. Without the precious work of Christ to redeem us and put us back in right standing with the Father, we would end up lost in the abyss of darkness for all eternity.  

Why Is the Gospel So Important?

The Gospel is important for a number of reasons.

1. It is the only Gospel whereby men can be saved. There is no other Gospel on earth that can save humanity. Regardless of how attractive another religion might seem, it is worthless and ineffective against sin. This is why Apostle Paul said: “I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jews, then to the Gentile (Romans 1:16 NIV). When we accept the Gospel, we are accepting the finished work of Christ on the cross; we are identifying with the Lord and saying, “we belong to you, Lord.”

2. It was passed down from God to us. The Gospel is not an imagination of man, but the orchestrated work of the Father passed down to us as a free gift from His heart. If the Gospel was passed down by the Almighty, the king of the universe, we should not take it lightly. Rather, we should hold it dearly to our hearts, knowing it will save us and take us back to our beloved Garden of Eden.  

3. It gives us power over the devil. The Gospel is so powerful that not even Satan can withstand it. Through the finished work of Christ on Calvary, the Good News has become a catalyst that gives us the power to launch an all-out attack against the kingdom of darkness. Christ’s work on the cross has greatly diminished the works of Satan and his demons. Since Jesus is no longer physically with us here on earth, through His abiding power that works in us, we are given the same authority He had over darkness when He lived among men on earth. The Word of God says: “Ye are of God little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4 KJV).

4. The dead shall be judged by the Gospel. The Gospel was passed down to us and is an important tool God uses to bring humanity salvation. It is important to God and must be taken seriously by us all. Therefore, since it is important to the Father and not to be taken lightly, God will judge the dead by the gospel. Scripture says, “For this is the reason the Gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to human standards in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit” (1 Peter 4:6 NIV).   

How Can We Prepare to Share the Gospel?

To effectively share the Gospel with others, we must prepare ourselves properly. Greg Laurie emphasizes this point in his article “How Will They Hear?”:

“Be prepared to share the gospel. There are three essential things that you must do in order to get equipped for sharing the Good News.

1. Prepare Your Mind. Apply yourself to studying God’s Word, along with reading other helpful resources that will sharpen your mind and understanding (see 2 Timothy 2:15). You have already started though the daily devotional teachings you receive each day!

2. Prepare Your Heart. Ask God to give you a heart of compassion for the lost and an earnest desire for their salvation (see 2 Peter 3:9). Ask Him to stir up an urgent fervency to see the lost lovingly called into a relationship with Christ (see Colossians 1:10).

3. Prepare the Way. You have to pray! Ask God to give you boldness to engage with every person whom He leads you to. Ask Him to grant you wisdom so that you can minister to their specific needs. Pray that you will be a prepared messenger speaking to prepared hearts.”

Taken from Harvest Ministries (used by permission).

Our minds and spirits must be prepared to undertake the task of sharing the Gospel. Building and expanding on Laurie's points, here are some important ways to properly prepare to share the Good News of Christ.

1. By becoming focused in our mind through God’s Word. One way we can prepare ourselves to share the Good News of the kingdom is by reading the Word daily, thus keeping a focused mindset. If we study the Word of God, our minds will become renewed so we can think the way God wants us to think. The Word of God will help to sharpen our minds and understanding so we can become better vessels of His glory.

“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV).

2. By having a prepared heart. To effectively share the Gospel with a lost and dying world, we must possess a heart of compassion, ready and willing to help others find the way. We will be no good to our fellow men if our hearts are callous, pitiless, and lacking compassion. Therefore, we should ask God to give us a heart full of compassion so we will be eager to see the lost come into a love relationship with Jesus, their newly found Savior.

3. By preparing the way through prayer. Prayer can change many things, including the most rebellious hearts we come across every day. To better prepare us to share the gospel, we must pray ahead of time. Ask for wisdom to speak to everyone concerning the Good News that has already changed your life. We must ask God to choose the words for us to speak so that we don’t go off track and the one listening to us becomes confused. Let prayer prepare the heart of the person beforehand so we can easily lead them to Christ.

4. By attending Bible school. Apostle Paul said, “Study to show thyself approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed…” (2 Timothy 2:15). A Bible college is a great institution to attend if you are serious about getting prepared to share the gospel. There are many Bible institutions online where you can register and learn how to carry out the work of the ministry. Ask God to guide you in choosing a Bible school that suits your needs.

5. By sitting under a mentor. mentorship is one of the best ways to receive the preparation we need to share the Gospel with others. Ask God to guide you to the right type of mentorship so you can get the right kind of training you need to win the lost. Pastors, evangelists, and apostles are only some who can provide proper mentorship for us.

What are Some Ways to Share the Gospel?

1. By preaching. One of the best ways to share the Gospel is by preaching to others. Large crowds can be drawn through our preaching, and we don’t have to get an invitation from a church pastor or anyone to preach. We can stand almost anywhere on the street corner and preach the Gospel. In this way, we can reach many passersby for Christ.

2. By handing out tracts. If you are not a bold and fiery speaker like others are, you can choose to hand out Christian tracts instead. This way, you can pass on the Good News to others without saying much. So, get a good amount of tracts in your possession and hand them out on the street or house to house, whichever you prefer.

3. By imitating Christ. Jesus told us to “let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16 KJV). The best way for us to share the gospel is by living a lifestyle that imitates Christ. If we live Christ-like before others, they will take us seriously and be encouraged to give their lives to the Lord. On the other hand, if we live like hypocrites and walk in sin while sharing the gospel, no one will take us seriously, and many will want no part with Christianity.

As seen above, we can prepare to share the Gospel in many ways and bring glory to our Lord and Master. It doesn’t take someone brilliant to share the Word of God. All you need is the desire to do so and the right attitude to go with it. Your choice to win the lost for Christ will help many sinful souls escape the burning fire in hell.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/JackF

Lancelot Tucker is a book author and freelance writer who writes on a vast amount of topics. In addition, he serves as an associate pastor in his hometown, Spanish Town. Lancelot loves to do research and write, and is an avid reader of other authors' works. When not writing or reading, he spends his time reaching out to the less fortunate residing in his community.

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Christianity / Life / Christian Life / How Can We Prepare to Share the Gospel?