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Are Aliens Real and Does it Matter for Christians?

Even though there is not any solid evidence for extraterrestrial life, many scientists are trying to prove that there is life out in the galaxies. With this being said, are aliens real? And what does the Bible say about it?

Contributing Writer
Published Nov 08, 2023
Are Aliens Real and Does it Matter for Christians?

Aliens have been a popular subject over the course of this past year. With alien “sightings” and talk from rogues within the government, many people are starting to believe in the existence of aliens. Whether you believe aliens are real or not, it is important to do some deeper research on the issue.

Even though there is not any solid evidence for extraterrestrial life, many scientists are trying to prove that there is life out in the galaxies. With this being said, are aliens real? And what does the Bible say about it?

The Idea of Aliens

There is a chance that what others perceive as aliens are most likely demons. The Bible tells us that the devil and his demons love to masquerade (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).

While 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 refers to Satan and his demons masquerading as angels of light, this can also refer to them masquerading as anything, including aliens.

Demons love to trip us up and cause us to fall. A perfect way to do this is by tricking people and making them believe lies.

This is seen in the form of demons masquerading as aliens. Demons know that there are individuals who are obsessed with extraterrestrial life, and they want to trick these individuals even further.

Many people believe that aliens created our life beings, left our planet, and will return to change our bodies to reflect theirs.

This is exactly something that demons would want us to believe. While as believers, we would never believe these lies, many people who are not believers in the Lord will be easy targets for demons.

In most of these “encounters with aliens,” individuals explain their abduction to be very scary and predatory. While I would not be quick to dismiss their claims; however, they did not have an alien abduction. Instead, there could be several explanations and one could be a demonic encounter.

Since these individuals are interested in alien life and are not saved, they are going to be more prone to encounters with demons. Due to their interest in extraterrestrial life, these individuals are going to be searching for aliens and have a strong desire to have an encounter.

Satan and his demons are very aware of this and therefore, they prey on these individuals. They are crafty also in the sense that these individuals would not suspect they were demons — they would only believe they had an extraterrestrial encounter when in reality they had a demonic encounter.

In the same way, if these individuals not saved, they are going to be more prone to demonic attacks.

As believers, we can still be oppressed by demons; however, God protects us from these things as well as He protects us from being harmed by demons. Unbelievers unfortunately do not have this same protection.

Staying Away from Lies

This is one of the many reasons why individuals need to stay away from the lies of Satan and his demons. Jesus tells us the devil is the father of lies (John 8:44).

Since the devil is the father of lies, we know he will lie to all people in order to deceive the world. Unbelievers are particularly at risk since they are not knowledgeable about God or the Bible.

As believers, we need to help these individuals come to know Christ and point them to the knowledge of the truth. This is part of Jesus’ command for us in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

If you are a Christian and you are interested in extraterrestrial life, it is important to step away from this unhealthy fascination.

There is nothing good in obsessing over the idea of aliens nor is it beneficial to believe in aliens in the sense that they are other life forms who live on other planets.

Demons could be masquerading as aliens — not actual little green men. There is no life on the other planets because if there was life on the other planets, Jesus would have had to go to their planets, die for them, and redeem them just as He did for us. As it is, the Bible tells us that Jesus only came to earth to die for the sins of mankind.

The Lord did not go to Saturn, Neptune, or Venus to redeem the alien life forms. Rather, all of the other planets in the galaxy are there to attest God’s glory.

None of these planets could have life on them because of their extreme heat or extreme cold. In other words, no other planet in the galaxy has been proven to support life.

With this in mind, we need to know that the earth is unique. Only the earth can support life, which is the way God designed it. The earth was created in order for us to live here. Planet Earth is the only planet that can sustain life.

There are no life forms on any other planet — only demons. Demons can freely roam on the Earth, yet they also are in outer space. Never do Satan or his demons go to hell.

This is a false belief because hell is not the home of Satan and his demons. In fact, neither Satan nor his demons will ever be in hell. They will only be thrown into the Lake of Fire.

The Importance of Knowing God and the Bible

This is why everyone needs to have a knowledge of God and the Bible. If everyone saw the world through a biblical worldview, they would be more aware of what aliens really are.

Everyone would not be so quick to try to discover extraterrestrial life. Instead, they would look to Jesus and accept Him as their Savior and Lord.

It is surprising how most people will reject anything supernatural, including God; however, they choose to be in extraterrestrial life. If there is someone you know who has a fascination with extraterrestrial life, try to propose the thought that aliens are actually demons in disguise.

While they might not believe you right away, present the truths of the Bible. Point them to 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 and make them think for themselves. Even if they don’t accept the truth right away, keep on praying for them.

If you are an individual who believes in aliens or is interested in extraterrestrial life, turn away from this obsession. Acknowledge the lies of demons and that they are trying to trick the world.

Believing in aliens is not harmless because demons will easily try to lead you into the occult. This is one of the main goals demons have in mind because they want to lead individuals far away from Jesus and the truth of the Bible.

Many people who are obsessed with aliens like to say, “The truth is out there.” The truth is out there, but it is not found in the form of alien life. The truth is only found in Jesus. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6).

The truth is not found in extraterrestrial life, nor will humans find any fulfillment in following the teachings of demons. Instead, it will only cause their downfalls.

Rather than following after demons and their lies, follow after Jesus. Educate yourself on the Bible and soak up everything you can about God.

Take time to learn more about Jesus and choose to place faith in Him when you are ready. The truth is only found in Jesus. When you place faith in Jesus, you are given forgiveness of sins, redemption, and eternal life.

The belief in the existence of aliens cannot offer you this because they are demons and their final destination in the Lake of Fire. Sadly, all individuals who fail to place faith in Jesus will also find their final destination to be the Lake of Fire.

Choose to turn to the Lord today and accept the salvation that only He can offer. With Jesus, there is eternal life — but with demons, there is only death.

For further reading:

Should Christians Entertain the Idea of Aliens?

How Should Christians Respond to Claims of Alien Life

What Does the Bible Say about Ghosts?

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/gremlin

Vivian BrickerVivian Bricker loves Jesus, studying the Word of God, and helping others in their walk with Christ. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master's degree in Christian Ministry with a deep academic emphasis in theology. Her favorite things to do are spending time with her family and friends, reading, and spending time outside. When she is not writing, she is embarking on other adventures.

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Christianity / Life / Christian Life / Are Aliens Real and Does it Matter for Christians?